Friday, August 9, 2013

Shingles: the good and the bad

Last Sunday I started on a journey I hadn't expected…come with me for the recap.

Good: In December, I asked the doctor for a prescription to get the shingles shot
Bad: I forgot to get the shot

Good: I haven't had to "do" my face or hair all week
Bad: I have shingles on my face and in my hair and on my eyelid and on my nose

Good: My doctors are close to my house
Bad: I've been to the doctor's office three times, the ER once and the Ophthalmalogoist's office once (all in five days)

Good: I haven't had to do errands
Bad: I'm kind of scary looking

Good: I've felt all warm and fuzzy at times this week
Bad: That's from the Percocet I've had to take to deal with the pain all week!

Good: I haven't had to clean my house and be ready for prospective buyers to come through 
Bad: As I might have mentioned, I've been sick with shingles

Good: I have two wonderful sisters who live in town
Bad: I've had to ask one to take me to the ER one night and hang out for four and a half hours, and then ask the other one to take me to the eye doctor the next day

Good: My sister brought me flowers
Bad: She also said I had a pizza face: half cheese and half pepperoni!

Addendum: (9.5.13)
Good: I got to go to meet my newest grandchild
Bad: He was nine days old before I could go

Good: My eye looks almost normal
Bad: I am still using steroid drops

Good: My cornea is healed on the surface
Bad: There is still something "smoldering" under the cornea

Good: I can use eye make up, if I want
Bad: I'm not sure I want to add something else that might irritate my eye….

Good: The ophthalmologist released me to fly to my family, but….
Bad: ...I would need to see an ophthalmologist while there

Good: My former eye doctor is still in business and said my eye was healing!
Bad: That morning, I broke more off an already damaged tooth!

Good: My former dentist is also still in business and took me in!
Bad: Now I get to have a crown…and I don't mean because I'm royalty!