Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting a Permit

For many construction jobs, there are several permits to acquire. Someone in authority has to okay, or check, your work. Is it up to the local or national standards?
Well, in my construction job, I need a permit to do/say/let loose/let go/spit out/cleanse or walk away from, and a close relative gave it to me today. She said, "I give you permission." As powerful as any permit in my book!
Do any of you remember the show Designing Women and the one episode where Mary Jo tells the audience of a public access show that a particular man was a bum, scum, and someone to run away from? Once he "got" the girl, he then would drop her for no apparent reason. There was a "support group" for the women who'd been dumped by this guy. Mary Jo warned all the listeners to run from guys like this and she even showed his picture.
Well, I have my own public service announcement. Remove yourself from the company of toxic individuals. Don't let them share your air. They may come in the form of negative people or selfish people; sarcastic or just plain irritating; perverted or devoid of moral fiber. They may try to offer bits of humor or something redeemable once in a while, but if you are recognizing that the cost (of being around them) is too high, run away. If they take too much energy and give you nothing, they are toxic. Get away. If it feels as if your skin is being burned off and you have only one arm left and that's not enough to defend yourself, get away. If you spend lots of energy making their world smooth so that they don't get upset, stop. It's an abyss.
Get away. Let go. Move away. Build your own boundaries to keep these bogey men out. Trust me they are scary because they don't look scary! They may be handsome, gregarious, charming (at first), personable, come from respectable families, but they have secrets that their families don't even know about. Do you tell the families? Would they even believe you? What would be the point? Vindication on your part? Not sure...but I have a story to tell to the nation.
Stay tuned.
That's all for today, folks.


  1. Careful! The tales of unproven, undocumented "secrets" could represent many parties. Nasty business could land in your lap like a seagull splat.

  2. Since slander is "false and malicious" and usually oral, that's not the case here. And secrets are not necessarily "unproven" or "undocumented"...they are just concealed from knowledge or view.
    There will be no viewing here. My writings are about me and not others anyway.
