I was just looking online for prospective employment in NC, when all of a sudden, I thought, "What am I doing? Going to a new city where I have NO contacts except my sister and looking for a job in a new field??" I almost panicked and then I thought, "God is not the author of confusion, and He'll take care of me no matter where I am. He can find me a job. He can direct my path as he's already done and doing." Phew. I relaxed. But from the outside, I'm thinking this looks ludicrous!! But I'm walking forward, one step at a time. If I thought how seamless it looked/felt last night, I need to remember that.
Stay tuned.
ohhhhhh i'm so excited for you... happy for you... proud of you!!!!!! i can REALLY understand how you feel. i've thought many times that people must think we are crazy for uprooting our family and moving across the country with no jobs just yet. but when god leads, you follow. and i KNOW he will bless your steps of faith. it's what he does. it's who he is. i love you!!